This cake has 3 steps. First one, the cake itself, after that the sweet cheese and then the strawberry marmalade.
To make it, we begin with the jam. 400 grs of strawberry sliced mixed with 3 tsp sugar slow cook for 5 minutes. 1 and a half tsp of corn stach diluted in 3 tsp of water must be added revolving continuosly to avoid lumps, cooking for 3 extra minutes. Set aside.
The sweet cheese filling needs 240 grs of cream cheese, one egg and 70 grs of sugar. Beat the cheese for 1 minute until creamy, add the egg and sugar and mix well. Set aside.
The cake uses 250 grs of all purpose flour and sugar (175 grs) combined. Then add 125 grs of cold butter and mix thoroughly. Take 100 grs of this mixture and reserve in a bowl, for the topping. The rest of the batter needs baking powder (1 tbsp) and baking soda (1 tbsp). After these, add one large egg, 180 ml of milk cream and vanilla (1 tbsp). The batter must be placed in a bowl leaving space in the center to be filled with the cream cheese and strawberry jam. The last must be the topping of sugar, flour and butter. 55 minutes at 185ºC. And enjoy!
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