miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2013

Organic poppy seeds bread


This one is the softest and most tender poppy seeds bread you´ll ever going to taste! It is quite easy to make and does not need many ingredients... here we have the list...

550 grs of organic whole flour
80 ml almond milk
200 ml water
50 grs of organic butter
20 grs yeast
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp salt

to cover 
40 grs melted butter
40 grs amapola seeds

First of all, lets mix the milk, water, sugar and butter at warm temperature, then add the yeast. Let rest and put the flour and salt in a bowl where you can mix it up easily. Add the wet and knead until homogeneous, then set aside for 1 hour, covered.

Divide the batter in 8 pieces and cover with the melted butter and poppy seeds. Here it is how it looks like. Add the remaining butter all over after everything is finished. 20 more minutes resting.

With 30 minutes at 180ºC would be enough. 

Some of it before the marmalade and butter... whatever you like... Enjoy!

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Scones orgánicos de pasas y semillas de calabaza


Scones orgánicos para disfrutar 


1 yogurt
1 huevo
300 grs de harina
1 sobre de levadura
1/2 cuch bicarbonato
Una pizca de sal
125 grs de mantequilla
50 grs de pasas y semillas de calabaza
100 grs de azúcar moscabada

Precalentar el horno a 180º. En un bol mezclar el yogurt con el huevo y reservar. Luego, en otro bol, mezclar la harina, levadura, bicarbonato, azúcar y sal. Añadir la mantequilla y unir hasta que la mezcla sea lo más homogénea posible, aunque terminan formándose grumos de mantequilla con el material seco. Añadir entonces las pasas con semillas y luego el liquido (huevo más yogurt). Amasar bien y cortar con la forma deseada. LLevar al horno entre 20 y 30 minutos, hasta que estén doraditos. Allí, a dejar enfriar unos 5 minutos y luego, disfrutar! con mermelada y mantequilla va perfecto, idealmente, si se tiene, con clotted cream y Té!

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Almost paleo almond & coconut cookies

Some tea, milk and these cookies are the perfect match for the cold weather... it's a matter of touching happiness with your lips during a sweet but brief period of time... so this way the 6 pm goes by...


125 grs grounded almonds
2 tbsp coconut flour
1 egg
2 tbsp agave syrup
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp milk
1/2 tbsp vanilla
1/2 tbsp almond extract
1/2 tbsp baking powder

and some chocolate chips

Preheat the oven at 185°C 
Mix every ingredient and put the cookies on parchment paper, giving some shape and spreading the chocolate chips. 
From 8 to 10 minutes and let cool afterwards. Enjoy!